The Burning Sensation of Heartburn and Acid Reflux

The burning sensation of heartburn and acid reflux is an all too common problem among us human beings. I do not know if animals get it or not but there is no doubt we humans do. You have had it, I have had it and just about every one has had it at one time or another. It can be extremely annoying especially if it is a recurring problem.

The technical name for heartburn is Pyrosis which is simply a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. While most heartburn attacks are only once in a while if they become severe they can do tremendous damage to your esophagus. When heartburn becomes chronic it could be a sign that you have what is called gastroesophageal reflux disorder commonly called GERD. Please do not mistake this for just acid reflux it is much too dangerous to put off getting checked out. I have a close friend who let the burning sensation of heartburn go and ended up with esophageal cancer. He eventually had to have his entire esophagus removed and his stomach attached directly. Fortunately he is doing great now but it was very touch and go for quite a while.

Many times some simple changes to your lifestyle can help you with the burning sensation of heartburn and acid reflux. Things like watching what you eat and eating smaller meals. Stay away from smoking if at all possible and watch what you drink when it comes to alcoholic beverages. Keep an eye on what you eat or drink that might rigger the onslaught of heartburn or acid reflux.

Some Interesting Home Remedies For Heartburn and Acid Reflux

How do you spell relief? That was the question on the old TV advertising spot a few years ago and many of us are still asking the same question. I have found some interesting home remedies for heartburn and acid reflux which is what heartburn is.

There are basically two schools of thought when it comes to immediate relief. The first is to neutralize the acid and then the body tells us to make more acid and the burn goes away. The second is to add acid and the burn goes away. Here are three home remedies for your heartburn.

Drink a small glass of water and baking soda. Simply put one teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and drink it. You will have almost instant relief. What this does is to neutralize the stomach acids thus telling your stomach to produce more acid ultimately relieving your heartburn.

A couple of ways to add acid and find almost immediate relief are the following:

Drink a teaspoon of vinegar. Any vinegar will work but the apple cider vinegar is the easiest to swallow. Even then the taste is not so hot and it burns going down. It definitely works so give it a try next time. You might want to try it in a hot glass of water with a little honey because it makes it a little easier to go down.

Another way is take one tablespoon of yellow mustard and you will have instant heartburn relief. Even though mustard has been touted as something that causes acid reflux it seems to work to rid yourself of it as well. The reason mustard works is because its main ingredient is vinegar so I just drink the vinegar.

Home Remedies For Heartburn - Helping You Get Rid Of Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Remedies are ways to eliminate the globally widespread health condition known as heartburn or in technical terms Gastro esophageal Reflux disease. Studies show that the vast majority of global population suffers from heartburn at least twice in fifteen days, usually after the meal and end up feeling unpleasant with sourness in neck and chest area and even acidic taste in the mouth.

Our digestive system, while processing our food after we've finished our meal, produces an acid which sometimes travel towards our neck and throat causing sore burning sensation and this is what is called heartburn and acid reflux, or in more technical terms, Gastro esophageal reflux disease

Though most of over the counter drugs and medications are easily available these days, acid reflux sufferers still prefer resorting to organic Home Remedies for Heartburn which are much effective and natural, causing no side effects at all.

The most common symptoms that can be experienced to the sufferers of GERD and Gastro esophageal Reflux disease are soreness in mouth, painful sensations in the chest, neck and even jaw area.

Though that are many participants that contribute to the growth of heartburn, the major ones are obesity, pregnancy, irregular diets with fatty and oily foods involved in them, irregular exercise, etc. These factors not only trigger the occurrence of acid reflux, but also encourage its growth if it already exists in the sufferer and hence these kinds of foods must be avoided, if you are planning to relieve yourself from this condition.

Though several medications and drugs, prevalent in the market for treatment of heartburn are effective, but after some point, even these medications start reflecting negative side effects if consumed for long time. When talking about Home Remedies for Heartburn, they are totally organic and can easily be found in your own home.

Baking soda, milk, banana, garlic enriched foods, apple vinegar, are some of the main foods that hinder the occurrence of heartburn and acid reflux. Chewing gum in addition helps significantly in reducing the effect of acids that cause this condition.

A recent study by some of the most well known health practitioners globally indicate that natural remedies for heartburn are 40% more effective than over the counter drugs and medications and this is the main reason why majority of people globally, prefer organic Home Remedies for Heartburn over several other drugs and medications available in the market to eliminate this condition.

How to Get Rid of Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Do you know anyone who suffers from heartburn and acid reflux? I do, and let me tell you that when it happens hard it happens hard. You can't get to sleep because of it. You can't eat the foods you love because of it. It effects almost everything you do. It almost runs your life or it at least feels that way.

Seems that as time goes on things like heartburn and acid reflux gets more popular. I remember just heartburn and it was not so long ago that the word acid reflux got put into the mix. I don't know why it is like this but I assure you that if you have heartburn and you don't get the acid reflux that usually goes with it then thank your lucky stars because it's the worse part about heartburn.

Now heartburn by itself is bad to have and some people only get it from time to time where others have it all the time and if you throw acid reflux into the mix it can be a horrible combination. There are many remedies out there that work and some just work for a shot time. Sometimes it is controlled by actually going to the Doctor and being prescribed medications for it and sometimes it's as easy as purchasing a quick relief from the local drugstore.

I think it would be great if you could learn how to get rid of heartburn and not have to deal with it ever again. even if it meant you needed to change your eating habits I bet many people would do it just for the relief. If you could learn how to get rid of heartburn you would get a good nights sleep, be able to plan things and not have to worry that your heartburn would ruin things for you. that would be a good thing.

Heartburn and Acid Reflux - A Common Health Issue

Acid reflux takes place when the closure of the lower esophageal sphincter does not take place correctly and thus leading to the leakage of stomach contents back into the stomach itself. The sphincter or the LES can be referred to as the muscle ring present along the base of esophagus acting as valve separating the stomach and esophagus.

The pain caused by the splashing up of digestive juice from the stomach into the esophagus is known as heartburn. The digestive juice is made up of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and bile secretions. Hydrochloric acid is very strong and corrosive therefore stomach has a special lining and fluids that protects it from the acid.

There are several causes for an individual to suffer from heartburn and acid reflux. Some of the most frequent causes for the heartburn and acid reflux are the high consumption of coffee, tea and other drinks that contain caffeine as this constituent encourages the contents of stomach to move up into the esophagus quite occasionally. Chocolate is yet another foodstuff that can cause heartburn and acid reflux as it contains Theo bromine a natural compound that occurs in many plants like cocoa. This compound plays a role in relaxing the sphincter muscle ultimately leading to squirting of stomach acid into the esophagus.

Fried and fatty foods stuffs are yet another cause of heartburn and acid reflux disorder as it increases the pressure inside the stomach. Avoid tomatoes and tomato-based products as it can lower esophageal sphincter. Alcohol can also relax the lower esophageal sphincter muscles and finally become the root cause of heartburn and acid reflux. Tobacco not only causes heartburn and acid reflux but also passes from the lungs into the blood and causes other disorders. Taking large meals can be the next reason for this disorder as it can increase the pressure inside your stomach.

Citrus fruits and juices relax the lowering of esophageal sphincter. Avoid eating within 2 to 3 hours prior to bedtime and wearing tight fitting clothes, as these can also became the causes for heartburn and acid reflux. Persistent heartburn two or more days a week can finally lead to acid reflux or gastro esophageal reflux disease. This can be a serious disorder since stomach acid cans away the delicate esophagus lining. This can also result in asthma, pneumonia, hoarseness, and chronic cough.

Holistically Healing Heartburn and Acid Reflux

As I approach 40, it's become obvious to me that my youthful "iron" digestion isn't what it once was. Having only ever suffered from indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy, it's hard to adjust to the pain and discomfort heartburn now regularly brings, especially at night.

I wanted to become more informed about heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux, and having taken both my GP's and some more alternative views I've discovered that there are options to treat the causes of heartburn holistically, instead of relying on over-the counter short term antacids to relieve the symptoms. Instead, try to find a permanent relief - by eating a healthier diet, exercising and generally looking after ourselves we can at least start to address holistically the causes of heartburn.

However as always it's important to remember that if in doubt, or if your heartburn is occurring frequently, consult your GP, as the symptoms of other more serious health issues could be mistaken for heartburn. A burning sensation in the chest can also be a sign of a heart attack. If you're not sure, consult your GP or go to hospital immediately, especially if you experience shortness of breath, light-headedness, dizziness, cold sweat, nausea, or pain in your shoulders or neck.

What is Heartburn?

The medical term for heartburn is Pyrosis, which is defined as an uncomfortable feeling of burning and warmth occurring in waves rising up from the breastbone toward the neck and into the throat. Heartburn is usually due to a wider digestive disorder called acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the regurgitation of stomach acid back up into the oesophagus.
When we eat, food normally enters the stomach and is prevented from backing up by a band of muscle at the end of the oesophagus called the lower oesophageal sphincter. Heartburn occurs when this muscle doesn't properly close and the acidic contents of the stomach are able to back up into the oesophagus. Pregnancy and obesity can also increase abdominal pressure and increase your risk of experiencing acid reflux as well. Other digestive disorders such as a peptic ulcer or insufficient digestive enzymes in the stomach can also cause stomach acid to build up and back up into your oesophagus.

Known Causes of Heartburn

There are many causes of heartburn and acid reflux, the most common of which are listed below. It may be helpful to add up how many of these apply to you, and decide where you can make changes in your lifestyle to alleviate instances of heartburn.
Spicy , Fried and Fatty foods (including full-fat dairy products)
These foods all tend to slow down digestion, keeping the food in your stomach longer.

Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated and carbonated drinks

Caffeine can relax the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), allowing stomach contents to reflux into the oesophagus.


There is a widely acknowledged link between being overweight and suffering from heartburn. Extra weight around the abdomen area can apply pressure on the stomach and thereby cause the normal acid contents of the stomach to reflux.


Chocolate contains concentrations of theobromine (a compound that occurs naturally in many plants such as cocoa, tea and coffee plants), which relaxes the oesophageal sphincter muscle, letting stomach acid squirt up into the oesophagus. This can result in increases pressure in the stomach, which in turn puts more pressure on a weakened LES, allowing reflux of stomach contents.

Other "Trigger" Foods

Tomatoes and tomato-based products

Citrus fruits, especially fruit juices

Peppermint and spearmint products

Dry fruits and nuts especially peanuts, walnuts and almonds

These foods are all known to relax the lower oesophageal sphincter.

Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol also relaxes the lower oesophageal sphincter, as well as increasing the production of stomach acid. The chemicals in cigarette smoke further weaken the LES as they pass from the lungs into the blood. If you smoke and drink, and have regular heartburn episodes, look long and hard at your habits if you want to make long-term improvements in this area.

Large meals

A full stomach can put extra pressure on the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), which will increase the chance that some of this food will reflux into the oesophagus.

Eating prior to bedtime and late-night snacks

Lying down with a full stomach can cause stomach contents to press harder against the LES, increasing the chances of refluxed food.

Eating in a rush or in a stressful environment

When we're eating on the go or in a stressful environment it is possible to bolt food down, chew insufficiently, and overdose on "bad" food and drink such as alcohol, caffeine, sugars and fatty foods. During stressful times, routines are disrupted and people may not follow their normal eating routines - it's also a time we're more likely to "comfort eat" and break with healthy eating patterns. By addressing issues that cause stress in our lives, we can also reduce the likelihood of stress-related heartburn.

Wearing tight fitting clothes

Clothing that fits tightly around the abdomen (belts, tight underwear, pyjamas etc) constricts the stomach, forcing food up against the LES, and cause food to reflux into the oesophagus.

Heartburn Prevention

Many heartburn sufferers experience symptoms at night. The following suggestions may help with nighttime symptoms. Eat your main meal of the day at lunch instead of at dinnertime, and avoid late dinners and snacking - have your last snack no later than two hours before bedtime. This way your stomach won't still be working on that big meal when you go to bed.

Eat at least two to three hours before lying down. If you take naps, try sleeping in a chair. Lying down with a full stomach can cause stomach contents to press harder against the LES, increasing the chances of refluxed food.

Avoid foods that are known to lead to heartburn, especially as your evening meal or later. If you aren't sure what foods trigger your heartburn symptoms, try keeping a heartburn record for a week.

Sleep with your head and shoulder on an incline. Lying down flat presses the stomach's contents against the LES. With the head higher than the stomach, gravity helps reduce this pressure. You can elevate your head in a couple of ways. You can also use a wedge-shaped or "V" shaped pillow to elevate your head, or simply sleep with an extra pillow.

Sleep on your left side.

Make sure your bed clothes are loose-fitting.

Avoid lying down right after eating. Give your body a couple of hours to digest the food you've just eaten.

Give up smoking and reduce your alcohol intake

Take an antacid tablet as soon as you feel heartburn symptoms.

Begin a diet and exercise programme if you're overweight. More importantly, take a good look at what you are eating, and avoid where possible the foods listed above, or any others that you think may be contributing to your heartburn.

Reduce your stress levels. Sing, dance, meditate, practice deep breathing or do yoga to help your body relax. This will help to reduce the pressure on your stomach.

Carminatives are drugs or natural agents whose main action is to soothe the gut wall and gas production in the digestive tract. By doing so they can remove the pressure of flatulence and digestive pain by soothing stomach muscles and increasing secretions of digestive juices. Chamomile, fennel, clover, ginger, peppermint, garlic and sage all have a carminative action.

If you feel as if the foods you are consuming are not being digested properly, talk to your GP about the possibility of taking digestive enzymes before each meal to help break down foods in the stomach and improve digestion. Food enzymes come in many forms. There are broad spectrum food enzymes that can help to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. There are also specialized enzymes that help digest specific types of foods such as fats, proteins and milk.

Alleviating Heartburn Symptoms

If you experience heartburn or acid reflux at night, first elevate your head or the head of your bed. Remain upright until the pain subsides, either propped up in bed or in a chair. Take an antacid tablet as soon as possible.
Some additional remedies to consider are listed below:

Have a cold glass of milk

Many sources state that apple cider vinegar is helpful for heartburn. Try taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of raw honey in a glass of water before a heavy or late meal or when heartburn strikes

Aloe Vera juice, Chamomile, Ginger and Peppermint herbal tea are all supposed to be helpful for preventing heartburn - you can buy herbal teabag selection packs at your local health food shop or larger supermarket chains and try them out before investing in a single flavour.
A teaspoon of Baking soda dissolved in a glass of water is another reported reliever, however check with your GP if you are trying to regulate your sodium intake.
Slowly sucking on a boiled sweet is reported to help some sufferers

The good news is that you don't have to suffer repeatedly from heartburn and acid reflux; most people can obtain excellent relief with dedicated commitment to healthy eating and daily habits.