Heartburn and Acid Reflux - Avoid Fatty Foods

If you are a heartburn or acid reflux sufferer, you must avoid fatty foods.

Foods that are high in fats are bad for your digestive system.

Why is that so?

Well, in general, fatty foods are not easy to digest. This means your stomach will have to work a lot harder and produces more acid in order to digest it. As an acid reflux sufferer, more acid in your stomach means more chance for an acid reflux to occur.

Fatty foods also take a longer time to digest. For example, instead of just 2 hours, it may take more than 4 hours for your stomach to digest those foods. This means acid will be retained in your stomach for a much longer period of time, which obviously means more chance for a heartburn attack to occur.

Of course, I am not telling you to avoid fats altogether.

Ultimately, fats are essential for good health and there is no way you can avoid them altogether. However, there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats. So you should go for healthy fats from sources such as nuts and olive oil.

Avoid unhealthy fats from junk food or fat meats. If you love chicken, make sure you remove the skin. You should also reduce your dairy products consumption. Butter and cheese may be delicious but they will definitely not help you in your heartburn condition, so you are advised to take them out of your diet. Obviously, you should also avoid deep fried foods.

Knowing what not to eat is important if you wish to become healthier.

Home Remedies for Acidity - How Herbal Tea Can Help With Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Over thousands of years, health complications have been eased by the consumption of tea. Interestingly, apart from water, the most drunk beverage in the world is tea! As a result it is probably unsurprising to learn that herbal teas have also proven to be a good source of home remedies for acidity through the ages.

Polyphenols is an antioxidant that helps to protect our body from free radical damage and exists in black, green and red teas. A range of studies have discovered that, the polyphenols in tea provide anti-cancer properties. In addition, these same studies have alluded to the fact that specifically the risk of gastric and esophageal cancers could be reduced by drinking several cups of tea every day.

You will find that selected "herbal teas" are better than others when looking at how to get rid of heartburn, or easing the symptoms of heartburn, acid reflux and other gastrointestinal ailments. Indeed, it is the case that some teas may actually make the circumstances worse rather than resolve them, so the choice of herbal tea remedy is extremely important.

There follows a selection of herbal teas you may want to think about using as home remedies for acidity:

Aloe Vera Juice
Although this is not in fact a tea, it is included as it can be drunk in a liquid form. The Aloe Vera leaves generate a gel from which the liquid is made. The liquid works to help calm the digestive system, but additionally has the spin off benefit of protecting against ulcers. As an aside, the juice of the aloe vera plant is tremendously useful and can be used to counteract a number of skin complaints including: minor burns, sunburn, cuts, and scalds.

Chamomile Tea
A variety of health concerns such as indigestion, heartburn, anxiety, PMS and sleep disturbances can be treated by this is very popular and common herbal tea. As an additional bonus acid reflux sufferers can profit from the relief it provides to the inflamed or irritated mucus membranes of the digestive tract.

Marshmallow Tea
This is a tea made from the root of the Marshmallow plant. It has been revealed, amongst other things, to coat and calm the gastrointestinal tract, relieve sore throats, ease respiratory problems and encourage healing of the urinary tract. Like the other teas, it also has various extra benefits when consumed.

Peppermint Tea
This creates a wonderfully refreshing herbal tea that contains no caffeine. But this could be viewed as alternative, as there are conflicting reports regarding the effects of peppermint on those experiencing heartburn and/or acid reflux.

For the defense, it is said that the flow of bile to the stomach is stimulated by the oil within the peppermint which subsequently helps relieve gas pains, calm heartburn, and settle upset stomachs.

On the other hand, selected studies have also indicated that the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes further after drinking peppermint, spearmint or other strongly spiced teas. This has the resulting result of extra acid reflux. The esophagus is kept away from the stomach by the LES, a one-way valve that enables food and liquid to enter the stomach. Food, liquid and acid can reflux back up into the esophagus causing heartburn if the LES is relaxed enough or doesn't close as it should.

At first, you may wish to cautiously experiment with this tea to see how useful it is for you in aiding heartburn relief.

There are various plants and herbs that have a selection of beneficial properties when made into herbal teas. The previous list should give you a good starting point on some of the more popular drinks that can be used as Home Remedies For Acidity.

Natural Heartburn and Acid Reflux Guide

Heartburn has been around as long as there have been stomachs. Millions of individuals from different parts of the world continue to suffer. People have been using natural remedies to ease heartburn pain for years because they work. Since this condition can be very painful and interfere with your life, let's take a look at some of these effective solutions!

We all know that your heart has nothing to do with heartburn. The stomach acid that backs up into your esophagus and creates a burning feeling at times just happens to be next to your heart. Of course, it never hurts to check with your doctor to make sure your heart is ok!

For decades, people have been decreasing there stomach acid in order to ease the pain that heartburn causes. This is only a temporary aid and you will still experience heartburn later. It is just a mask!

Also, synthetic drugs have many unwanted effects called side effects. In fact, some antacids have been known to cause diarrhea and even constipation in a lot of people, further interfering with your digestion. So, here are natural remedies that will be able to assist the body with digestion and healing.

First, make sure you clean up your diet! Eat real food, not junk food. Junk food is very hard to digest. Because of this, the stomach produces more acid in order to digest these types of foods properly, which is primarily what you don't want to happen as it will increase the likelihood of experiencing heartburn.

The second thing you need to do is to avoid eating hard and crunchy food. These foods are hard to digest and it can also cause damage to your lower esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES acts as a valve that lets food in to the stomach and keeps stomach acid out. When the LES doesn't function properly, it will let stomach acid flow freely in to the esophagus when you experience acid reflux.

Third, you have to drink more water. Stop drinking coffee and avoid drinking carbonated drinks, such as sodas. Water is very effective in neutralizing stomach acid, which will eventually result in lessening the frequency of heartburn. Drink more between meals and less during the meal.

You should also try eating honey. This is a known natural remedy for heartburn and it can also help heal damaged LES tissue. Try eating around 3 tablespoons of honey during the day and before you go to bed. Raw honey is even better!

Aloe Vera juice is also effective as a natural remedy for heartburn. This is because Aloe Vera juice is a natural alkaline liquid. When you drink Aloe Vera, it will neutralize the acidity in your stomach and it also helps in the healing process of the LES tissue. Aloe is good for your whole GI tract!

These are just a few of the natural remedies that you can use to relieve your heartburn. You don't need to be dependent on drugs and medications to mask your symptoms and alter your body's natural digestive process.